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Link this to Updates in the Visit Review screen
Each day CSS’s link their visits, but will not check the CD box until the Weekly Time Card has a signature. The difficulty is checking EACH weekly time card against the reconciliation page, so that we can confirm the documentation is truly complete, and then check the CD box. This requires several steps:
• Run Missing Time Slips/Billing Report
• Use data to filter Reconciliation page for PS/DCS/DOS
• Run PS Weekly Time Card for PS/DCS/week beginning & ending dates
• Compare - Are all visits present on PS WTC
• Check CD Box for all visits included on WTC
• Work with client/caregiver to produce documentation for visits omitted from WTC
Maintenance to allow CD Checkbox to be marked automatically based on paperless requirements
Idea Background
The impact on operations is that Weekly Time Cards are of course weekly. We cannot check the CD box as visits are linked, because the signature, a requirement for completed documentation, is not yet captured.
o Is there a way for the signature to be connected to the CD box; that a signature will auto-populate a check in the CD box of all visits included on the weekly time card?
Idea Benefit
Streamline the process for checking CD based on completed visits to include signature |