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Call Center: Add Download to PDF Option

Auditors want printed case notes in the files, but the process for setting up the Excel document for conversion to PDF, then printing has too many steps and is too time-consuming.

  • Danielle Beebe
  • May 10 2023
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

Reported Feb 2023 by Brenda Setterlund WA

Currently, they're filtering the Call Center and then using Print Screen to print to avoid using Excel option.

We created a video and PPT that walked them through how to set up the Excel but it requires multiple steps (see PPT):

  • Editing columns reduce the size of the spreadshet

  • Setting up print layout

  • Adding subtotals to make it print by PS/DCS

  • Converting to PDF (to meet requirements of auditor)

  • Attach files