Point of Care Ideas

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Sup Visits Dashboard: Compliance Status Search without Date Range

Set up Compliance Status Search the same as PS Search, where it gives you the option to remove the date range, so you can see all records.

Another possible solution could be making Compliance status multi-select, so users can search for specific visits in a certain date range (ex. Set start date to 30 days prior and end date to 30 days out, but only search for Past Dues, Missed Visits, and Unscheduled Visits.

  • Danielle Beebe
  • May 12 2023
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

Requested by April Williams (TN)

It would be helpful to see a list of all Past Dues when you do a Compliance search, so you can follow-up without missing any records. Sometimes the date range doesn't capture all records, and a Past Due could be sitting out there without being resolved.

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