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POC Currently splits the overnight visits and sends separate transactions to SRI with the Visit ID number as UID_SERV field for both of the overnight transactions.
Proposed Solution:
A new mapping table would be implemented and all the Visit Ids of the transactions that are sending to SRI will be tracked in the mapping table.
Instead of Visit ID number, POC sends the mapping ID value as UID_SERV field for all the transactions that are sending to SRI.
Additional Items:
include ability for auto mapping of Employee ID or to not use alt ID if ‘mapping required’ is not indicated on the interface field mapping list so the users don’t have to remember to populate it since it’s the Enterprise ID number
When the PS UID or the DCS alt ID is updated, the system should automatically send any affected visits
Need to update the export EVV visits screen to include DCS, PS, Service in the search criteria, allow for selection with a checkbox to create a file if the transaction was missed or needs to be resent
Automate the SFTP process from the export EVV visits screen or code the system to include the selected visits in the next automatic creation of the file.