Point of Care Ideas

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Ability to prevent DCS from creating punch

When we are unable to reliably communicate with a caregiver and they are not responsive to requests to contact the office, we would like the ability to temporarily disable them from creating punches or clocking in for a shift if we have removed them from the schedule. This would prevent caregivers from being able to clock in without contacting someone in the office and help reduce the opportunity for an over-serviced or fraudulent visit.

  • Christina Cole-Lami
  • Sep 29 2023
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

Currently, when we are unable to get a caregiver to communicate with us, even if we take them off of the schedule, they have the ability to create a punch and this creates an issue, especially with CDS services. We would like the ability to suspend the DCS number temporarily in these cases.

Idea Benefit

This would help prevent over service and reduce opportunity for fraud.

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