Point of Care Ideas

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Allowing us to adjust clock in or outs from the call management screen when they clock in/out away from the client home for no reason

Right now, we have to go into the call management screen when a cg clocks in/out away from clt home and "explain why" If we have to adjust thier times, we should be able to do that from the same screen.

  • Sabina Hammond
  • Dec 1 2023
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

It is time consuming and increases the potential for errors to have to togel back and forth between screens to correct a punch. We are already addressing the issue in the call management screen.

Idea Benefit

Giving us the ability to correct a punch while in the call management screen saves time, errors and sanity.

  • Attach files
  • Teresa Gore commented
    07 Feb 19:17

    My concern is that some users will adjust time without sufficient backup to support a change to EVV. We shouldn't change EVV times without legal backup.