Point of Care Ideas

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DCS see schedule on app

DCS would be able to see their weekly and monthly schedule from the app.

  • Faith Wareing
  • Dec 12 2023
  • Already exists
Idea Background

I have had many of my DCS ask for this to be added in.

Idea Benefit

This would benefit everyone because they would be able to answer PS questions about schedule in their home. DCS would be able to see when their schedule is updated or if there need to be any changes in advance.

  • Feb 14, 2024

    Admin response

    The mobile app currently has a "Search Schedules" screen that is available from the top right Vertical Dots menu. Within this Schedules screen, the Caregiver can Search the scheduled Visits for a specific PS or their entire list of scheduled visits by a Date Range. Their Past Scheduled Visits are available as well as Visits in the future. The Caregiver can also review the Care Plan setup for the client.

    If anyone can provide a comment about what they need in addition to this, that would be helpful.

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  • Admin
    Melissa Stebbins commented
    06 Mar 20:28

    @ Tiffany Allen; this request is related to existing DCS Schedules not Open Shift requests; The DCS can see open shifts based on their job title vs the service types so that we don't have Caregivers applying for Nursing Shifts. If changes need to be made to how those are displayed that can be evaluated, but would be a new Idea

  • Tiffany Allen commented
    14 Feb 20:23

    This is not an appropriate response to my requested idea about open shifts . They need to see all open shift schedules not just a specific client schedules to be able to pick up shifts.