Point of Care Ideas

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Add Service Filter on Time Worked by DCS Reports

We use Time worked by DCS Reports for every payroll close. We have many caregivers who work multiple services for one client. In order for me to review the report by client, by service, I have to run it in excel and then filter out the other services to get daily totals. Excel will not allow an overall total though and it is a very manual process every payroll close. This would literally save my team and I hours of work.

  • Guest
  • Jan 19 2024
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

In order for me to review the report by client, by service currently, I have to run it in excel and then filter out the other services to get daily totals. Excel will not allow an overall total though as it is in the minute by minute formatting.

Idea Benefit

It is a very manual process every payroll close for us to get totals to balance against our time cards. This would literally save my team and I hours of work.

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