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App reminders to clock in/out

The app to send a reminder to the caregiver to clock in and out maybe 10 minutes before shift and before shift ends

  • Guest
  • Jan 26 2024
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

Caregivers forget to clock in and out. This can help eliminate manuals and making it so we are not compliant. We need to make sure they are following the process 100% so we can continue to provide care

Idea Benefit

We will be EVV compliant with caregivers remembering to clock in and out.

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  • CC Docker commented
    29 Feb 00:48

    I love this idea and would probably really help eliminate a lot of clocking in/out mistakes!

  • Faith Wareing commented
    28 Feb 19:42

    Eliane, I think you need to put in another Aha idea for that. I think caregivers should just be responsible for telling us if they aren't going to a shift and if they don't clock in or out, we're going to be asking them why they didn't go.

    Currently there is an option for them to opt-in/out of notifications on the app. I agree that they should not be able to opt out of getting the reminders. Then, if someone has a hard time seeing the reminders, we check if they have allowed notifications from the app.

  • Miranda Hillman commented
    28 Feb 19:13

    I don't think having an opt in/out should be an option at all. The whole point of it is to make sure we are EVV compliant and if something happened and they accidentally opted out when they are a person who needs the reminders, it defeats the whole purpose of reminders. I think reminders should be mandatory for EVERYONE for the plain and simple fact that EVV can cause such big problems. Another good factor this contributes to is that these reminders would not only help with EVV but with caregivers going over on hours so even our 100% caregivers need the reminders.

  • Elaine garcia commented
    28 Feb 19:03

    Is there a way in the app that when a shift is complete, that they are able to set the reminder for the next day's shift. I have had last minute call-off's that they said they weren't sure if they were going to make it because they were feeling Ill and forgot to call or missed a shift, then we are hounding them to get time in or to verify with client if the care was received. It would help alleviate no-call/no-show and keep them aware of the process of calling off in a good amount of time.

  • Tami Storey commented
    14 Feb 20:15

    Would be nice if caregivers could opt in for this or out if they do not want a reminder.

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