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When a caregiver or nurse has clocked in and currently on shift, it would be nice if we are able to change the service code. For example, if a caregiver clocks in on an unscheduled visit because a client had a bathroom emergency and there is not a schedule in there for them and they clock in on PC65 unscheduled at the end of the month and we are out of units for PC65 and PC66 needs to be the code used, it would be nice if we could go in and adjust that code to the PC66 while they are still on shift so it will not count as an edit against our EVV because they will still be able to clock out and capture tasks, notes, and signatures vs changing it after the shift has been processed requiring an "edit" and losing out EVV compliance.
Idea Background
The problem is having to change the code after the shift has been processed turning it into an edited punch and requiring recapturing of signatures. This then counts against us with state compliance EVV requirements. It's edited for the billing side and services were provided correctly and all EVV compliance was followed but it counts against us when we change service code. |
Idea Benefit
This will help keep us in compliance with state EVV regulations when a service code needs to be changed. I am not positive on this but I believe it would also help the billing department with not having the reversed code on there, we could change it before processing the shift. |