Point of Care Ideas

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DCS Metrics: Add Requested and Remaining Hours Columns

  • Add Requested Hours column to the dashboard - Utilization percentage doesn't give user the ability to determine how many hours are actually available without going to DCS profile.

  • Add Remaining Hours column to the dashboard - Provides quick insight into the balance of hours each Caregiver has remaining

  • Danielle Beebe
  • Feb 13 2024
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

Allow users to see how many hours caregivers have requested to work each week and how many hours they have left that could be utilized.

Idea Benefit

Allows users to easily see how many hours caregivers would like to work, how much they're scheduled, and how much they have leftover each week. By adding these columns, caregivers can also use the week-to-week comparison feature to determine whether utilization has improved over time.

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