Point of Care Ideas

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Add Shifts for CGs in POC Care Coordinator App

Having the ability to create a shift for a caregiver in the care coordinator app. If a client has an emergency after hours and a caregiver is able to go and assist with the emergency, it would avoid having to have the caregiver fill out a paper timesheet.

  • Miranda Hillman
  • Feb 14 2024
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

This would help with being paperless which is required by Medicaid. Having this ability would avoid a manual clock in and out by the caregiver because we would be able to add shifts from the app if it is after hours or we are out of the office and we only have the on call phone and not our computers.

I do know that they have the ability to do an unscheduled visit, however for my office, in the past, when we have had CGs or nurses do this, sometimes they don't do it under the correct code, for example, nurses do it under an RN12 vs the T1002.

This would also give us the ability to make sure ALL codes are being scheduled for the shift. Not being able to do this would force the CG to clock in on one and then have to remember mid shift to clock out and clock in on the second or third code during one shift on an unscheduled visit.

Idea Benefit

This would take away the paper time sheet in instances like this and keep us in EVV compliance with Medicaid requirements.

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  • Tami Storey commented
    14 Feb 20:13

    This is also important for instances when a caregiver is supposed to have a shift in the schedule, but it was not entered. The caregiver knows they are supposed to work that day with a particular client, and they reach out to ask why it isn't showing in the app. this would allow us to correct that mistake in time for a proper EVV clock in even when we are not in the office and have access to the schedule.