Point of Care Ideas

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Auto select or default option for site selection across all dashboards

It would be great if users had the option to set default locations/sites in POC Lite. With site selection happening at the dashboard level there as opposed to at login in the base...when moving around to different dashboards it takes a lot of time to select the same sites over and over.

  • Guest
  • Feb 29 2024
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Idea Background

The branch staff who have roles that cause them to "live" in POC and use it throughout the day would be able to complete tasks and locate information quicker.

Idea Benefit

This would reduced the time it takes to locate information or complete daily actions in POC Lite efficiently. This would reduce things that may slip through the cracks because the risk for distraction increases when loading time is high.

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  • Admin
    Melissa Stebbins commented
    March 06, 2024 20:18

    this is being reviewed as part of the user preferences to be migrated to POCLite in a future release