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Sorting Casenotes by Coordinators

i want to be able to put in my coordinators name and see all the CN's they have put in.

  • Guest
  • Mar 6 2024
  • Already exists
Idea Background

Checking on casenotes made for the day that were needed.

Idea Benefit

Branch Managers to quickly scan that their csm's are doing a good job of case noting.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    06 Mar 21:37

    This is not true, i sorted by coordinator and it did not give me the case notes that each of my CSM's entered that day. I had asked for certain CN's to be done, in the afternoon I went in to see if they were there, sorted my coordinator, and they did not appear. had another BM get into my stuff and she looked, they were not there. The only way i could access the cn's they made were to do a dcs search.

  • Admin
    Melissa Stebbins commented
    06 Mar 20:21

    if you access the Call Center, you can search for notes by Coordinator

  • Shae Eaton commented
    06 Mar 18:53

    This filter already exists in POC lite.