Point of Care Ideas

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Attaching a copy of care plan for caregiver to view in app

Having a copy of the care plan available for the caregivers to view. This will allow them to see the special instructions, diagnosis, etc....

  • Bethany Daniel
  • Aug 22 2024
  • Needs Review
Idea Background

Providing a copy of the care plan (not just tasks) for the caregiver to view. This allows them to get a full picture of the client they are seeing. The care plan shows diagnosis, med precautions, equipment client uses, DNR, special notes- uses side door, back door, ramp, has dogs in home, client is a smoker, etc...

Idea Benefit

This will eliminate having to send the care plan separately or having to have the caregiver come to the office to pick up a care plan.

  • Attach files